A mother-to-be had been sent down to the labour ward after the CTG showed some decelerations.
I had to ARM her fast, to see what the liqour colour was like. I sleeved up, grabbed the amniotic hook and ruptured the membrane.
"Aishah, this is the first time i get to see your elbow" cheong said, suddenly emerged out of nowhere. He knows it's part of the awrah, and he knows we are sensitive about it.
I froze, feeling like i was having a vaso-vagal attack.
"Oh no! now you have to marry him!Hahaha" Evelyn was laughing hard.
"I cannot have two wives," he smiled.
Sleeve down, i replied: "Next time dont make such statement, that's disturbing". And there's a sudden gush of feeling inside me, a feeling that only a muslim can understand.
Sometimes there are things that you just cant avoid. In NICU, conducting deliveries, and doing sterile procedures, we need to sleeve up to avoid contamination, reduce risk of cross infections, and avoid our sleeves being stained with blood and liqour. We had to do it when we had to do it, and I ask Allah His forgiveness for our shortcomings.
For muslim women, working with male especially the non muslims is a challenge. We have to constantly remind ourselves our limitations and boundries, so that we will behave the way we should behave, and would be respected the way we should be respected. Most of them understand well. But some of them naturally have some cracks in the head, unable to store informations in their long term memories the dos and don'ts in dealing with their muslim women counterparts.
"Dont touch!Dont touch.Dont touch.How many times do i have to tell you?You dont need to touch me just call my name"
"I dont touch your skin lah. Clothes only. You think you will get pregnant if i do this?" he laughed.
"Why i did this to Y*****,S****, they are ok with it?" quoting other muslim girls that seemed never being bothered. Wow, what an argument.
"We are...different" I dont know what else to say.
"Why different?"
I kept quiet. I shouldn't speak ill or pass my judgement on other people.
On the other occasions,
"Why do you have to cover up in our climate like this? This is from the Arab culture because they live in the desert, but you turn it to religion"
"Can you bathe in the swimming pool?"
"Your tudung wont prevent you from being raped"
"I see other women not wearing tudung, with skirt,i dont feel anything"
"What's the point of living if there is so many things you cannot do?"
Yes, we get questions and answers like that. But heads high, nah, we don't feel intimidated.
"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what [must ordinarily] appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers! Turn all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss." (Qur'an 24:31)
I pray that Allah saves us from the evil of our desires, and soften our hearts.
MuslimMatters Still Stands With Imam Nick
Purpose The reason we are writing this post is because all attempts to meet
with Imam Nick and resolve his issues with us have failed. We tried several
Subhanallah. May Allah will always bless you. Alhamdulillah, Allah beri kekuatan pada akak utk semua ini. Terharu saya baca. Bukan apa, tak ramai yg macam akak. Terdedah, bersentuh, bergurau lelaki perempuan, tak rasa apa. Terkilan juga kadang2 tu. Walau payah, pasti Allah akan ganjari semua yg akak lalui. All the best akak!!.,
mereka hanya mampu mempertikaikan kerana mereka tidk tahu apakah sebenarnya yang kita lakukan walaupun kita sendiri tidak berapa faham tentang hukum islam itu, tetapi atas dasar jihad kita menuruti agama,kita teguhkan hati mentaatinya sambil memahami secara perlahan.
Apapun, teruskan menjaga agama,pasti tidak sia-sia usaha akak!... moga ramai yang mencontohi teladan yang baik tersebut.
terima kasih atas doa.kdg2 tersungkur juga.tetapi dgn belas kasihan Allah mudah2an kami terus istiqamah
alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal :)
tahniah ukhti. please be steadfast in the deen :)
u already got what u want my dear friend
juz the thing i'll not always wif u anymore
but i'll not n never afraid
coz i always belief Allah loves u, n always be wif u my dear,
i don't know how to convince u that i luv u
from the bottom of my heart i expressed it
coz i have regretted coz not telling the prson i luv
till i realize i lost them later on
hopefully our friendship will remains n never end
i want the 'old' of u
thanks for ur forgiveness n understanding yea
thanks a lot
shazrina humaira
cepat kaya dan kepengen menang angka togel 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d.
Aslamu alaikum wr wb..
Bismillahirrahamaninrahim,,senang sekali saya bisa menulis
dan berbagi kepada teman2 melalui room ini,
sebelumnya dulu saya adalah seorang pengusaha dibidang property rumah tangga
dan mencapai kesuksesan yang luar biasa, mobil rumah dan fasilitas lain sudah saya miliki,
namun namanya cobaan saya sangat percaya kepada semua orang,
hingga suaatu saat saya ditipu dengan teman saya sendiri dan membawa semua yang saya punya,
akhirnya saya menaggung utang ke pelanggan saya totalnya 470 juta dan di bank totalnya 600 juta ,
saya stress dan hamper bunuh diri anak saya 2 orng masih sekolah di smp dan sma,
SUAMI saya pergi entah kemana dan meninggalkan saya dan anaka-naknya ditengah tagihan utang yg menumpuk,
demi makan sehari hari saya terpaksa jual nasi bungkus keliling dan kue,
ditengah himpitan ekonomi seperti ini saya bertemu dengan seorang teman
dan bercerita kepadanya, Alhamdulilah beliau memberikan saran kepada saya.
dulu katanya dia juga seperti saya stelah bergabung dengan NYI SEWIKA hidupnya kembali sukses,
awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya tapi selama satu minggu saya berpikir
dan melihat langsung hasilnya, `
saya akhirnya bergabung dan menghubungi NYI SEWIKA di No 0853-7778-3434
Semua petunjuk NYI SEWIKA saya ikuti dan hanya 3 hari Astagfirullahallazim,
Alhamdulilah Demi AllAH dan anak saya,
akhirnya 5M yang saya minta benar benar ada di tangan saya,
semua utang saya lunas dan sisanya buat modal usaha,
kini saya kembali sukses terimaksih NYI SEWIKA saya tidak akan melupakan jasa AKI.
((((((((((((DANA GHAIB)))))))))))))))))
Pesugihan Instant 5 MILYAR
Mulai bulan ini (January 2016) Kami dari padepokan mengadakan program pesugihan Instant tanpa tumbal,
serta tanpa resiko. Program ini kami khususkan bagi para pasien yang membutuhan modal usaha yang cukup besar,
Hutang yang menumpuk (diatas 1 Milyar), Adapun ketentuan mengikuti program ini adalah sebagai berikut :
Mempunyai Hutang diatas 1 Milyar
Ingin membuka usaha dengan Modal diatas 1 Milyar
Syarat :
Usia Minimal 21 Tahun
Berani Ritual (apabila tidak berani, maka bisa diwakilkan kami dan tim)
Belum pernah melakukan perjanjian pesugihan ditempat lain
Suci lahir dan batin (wanita tidak boleh mengikuti program ini pada saat datang bulan)
Harus memiliki Kamar Kosong di rumah anda
Proses :
Proses ritual selama 2 hari 2 malam di dalam gua
Harus siap mental lahir dan batin
Sanggup Puasa 2 hari 2 malam ( ngebleng)
Pada malam hari tidak boleh tidur
Biaya ritual Sebesar 10 Juta dengan rincian sebagai berikut :
Pengganti tumbal Kambing kendit : 5jt
Ayam cemani : 2jt
Minyak Songolangit : 2jt
bunga, candu, kemenyan, nasi tumpeng, kain kafan dll Sebesar : 1jt
Prosedur Daftar Ritual ini :
Kirim Foto anda
Kirim Data sesuai KTP
Format : Nama, Alamat, Umur, Nama ibu Kandung, Weton (Hari Lahir), PESUGIHAN 5 MILYAR
Kirim ke nomor ini NYI SEWIKA: 0853-7778-3434
SMS Anda akan Kami balas secepatnya
Maaf Program ini TERBATAS hanya untuk beberapa Orang saja..?
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