I went into the HO room, and drank a bit of water. Then i saw a stack of small blue books beside the bed. Out of curiosity, i grabbed one of it.
Then i looked at the title. Hm.
Interesting. So this is it.
In the first page - Tidak diperjualbelikan.
I flipped through it. And flipped. Paused for a while. Flipped again. And again.
Until the last page:
Kepastian Sebagai orang percaya:
Sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahawa Yesus adalah Tuhan, dan percaya dlm hatimu, bahawa Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari antara orang mati, maka kamu akan diselamatkan. Roma 10:9 (hal 242)
Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya barangsiapa mendengar perkataanKu dan percaya kepada Dia yg mengutus Aku, ia mempunyai hidup yg kekal dan tidak turut dihukum, sebab ia sudah pindah dari dlm maut ke dlm hidup. Yohanes 5:24 (hal 145)
My..Isn't that an obvious contradiction?
Money And Wealth In Islam : The Root Of All Evil?
The idea that ‘money is the root of all evil’ actually has no basis in
Islam. However, as we live in a highly commercialized world, it has entered
the mi...
Aku refer to whom?
Dia refer to whom?
1. Dia - Nabi Isa a.s
2. Aku - Nabi Isa a.s
Dia - Allah
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